(No more) Love at your Convenience / I never wrote those
WBS 8448 / 1977
School's out
/School's out (live)
WBS 8607 / 1977
How you gonna see me now /No Tricks
WBS 8695 / 1978
From the Inside / Nurse Rozetta
WBS 8760 / 1979
School's Out / Elected
GWB 0301 / 1980' (no date) -Back to Back Hits
Hello Hooray / No more Mr Nice Guy
GWB 0305 / 1980' (no date) -Back to Back Hits
I never cry / You and
GWB 0347 / 1980' (no date) - Back to Back Hits
How you gonna see me now / From the Inside
GWB 0379 / 1980' (no date) - Back to Back Hits
Eighteen / Caught in a
GWB 7141 / 1980' (no date) - Back to Back Hits
Clones (We're all) / Model Citizen
WBS 49204 / 1980
Talk Talk / Dance Yourself to
WBS 49526 / 1980
You want it, you got it / Who do you
think we are
WBS 49780 /
Seven and Seven is / Generation Landslide
WBS 49848 / 1982
I'm the future / Tag, you're
7-29828 / 1982
I like Girls / Zorro's
7-29828 / 1982
He's back (The man behind the Mask) / Billion Dollar
babies (live)
MCA 52-904/ 1986
Freedom / Time to Kill
MCA 53212 / 1987
I got a line on you / (Livin' on the Edge)
34-08114 / 1988
Poison / Trash
34-68958 / 1989
House of Fire / Ballad of Dwight
Frye (live)
34-73085 / 1989
Hey Stoopid / It rained all
34-73845 / 1991
Love's a loaded Gun /
34-73983 / 1991
Keepin' Halloween
Alive / I love the Dead (live)
No N° / 2010
Eighteen /
(Live from
N°GRR33 / 2016
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